Anxiety in Motherhood

Anxiety in Motherhood

Motherhood and Anxiety.

Those two things seem to go hand-in-hand. Having a child amplifies all of your worries, concerns, and struggles. While anxiety is a normal part of motherhood and life, it can become a barrier to living the life we want. Read on to learn more about anxiety, how it can come up in motherhood and our children and when to know when to seek help.

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How to Create a Journaling Practice
Self-Care Melissa Parr Self-Care Melissa Parr

How to Create a Journaling Practice

Journaling has recently gained popularity again and for good reason! Research has shown that writing out your thoughts by hand engage areas of the brain used for a higher level of process and learning. Basically by writing things out, we are able to develop a deeper understand about ourselves and learn new ways to be. Read on for some helpful tips on starting a journaling practice.

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