holistic therapy for anxiety, depression, trauma | online therapy in California


Holistic Therapy

Support for the whole person

Treating the person not just the symptoms.

When it comes to our mental wellness, it’s important to look at all aspects of ourselves. Holistic therapy looks at all of you.

Online Holistic Therapy for:

holistic therapy for depression and anxiety | online therapy in california


What does it mean to take a holistic therapy approach?

Taking a holistic approach in therapy to me means I will look at you as a “whole person” and take in account your physical and social wellbeing as well as your emotional health. In the Western world things are very much siloed- meaning we separate a lot of “parts” of us and treat them individually. Have stomach issues? See a gastroenterologist. Suffer from migraines? Go see a neurologist. Have anxiety? See a mental health therapist. The problem with this approach is that while each issue is being treated separately, they are occurring in the same person and they may be very likely all connected.

When we treat a person in a separate manner, we are often only addressing the symptoms and we aren’t getting to the core of what created the symptoms. Our bodies are inherently intelligent and self-healing. Our symptoms are a sign that something is off and needs to be addressed. Holistic therapy is taking all this in account.

holistic therapy for anxiety | EMDR therapy

Many physical health complaints are associated with childhood trauma.

Trauma affects us in a whole-body way. When we encounter traumatic experiences, our body activates a strong physiological response- this is our fight, flight, freeze system. Within this we experience intense emotions that get “embodied,” meaning that our body feels and takes on these emotional experiences. These emotions can range from fear, terror, sadness, rage, etc. This can become overwhelming to our system and we can get caught in a state of dysregulation. This can then come up in physical illness and pain , as well as mental health disorders, relationship struggles, addiction, etc.

Areas of Holistic Intervention

  • Mental Health Therapy

  • Physical Exercise/Movement

  • Body Work (includes breathing exercises, meditation, tapping, yoga, etc.)

  • Food, Gut Health

  • Sleep Health

  • Life Purpose/Passion