Therapy Series: Starting Therapy

Did you know that January is a popular month to start therapy?

Many people decide in the New Year that they are ready to make changes and/or address some difficult things they've been avoiding or put off.

Starting therapy can be really anxiety-provoking. Many times people put it off as they aren't sure if they "really need it" or think they just need to "try harder" and things will get better for them.

Here's the thing- therapy is for everyone and you don't need to be at your rock bottom to get started. In fact, starting therapy at the start of struggles before things are really bad can ward off a deep negative spiral.

Here are some things you may not know about therapy:

  • You don't need to have a Mental Health Diagnosis (like Major Depression Disorder or Generalized Anxiety Disorder) to go to therapy*

  • Therapy can address many topics including stress, relationship concerns, parenting struggles.

  • Can be a great place to help you with any limiting-beliefs that hold you back in your career and/or personal life.

  • Can help you process and sort through all the additional stress of the pandemic.

  • There is nothing “wrong” with you if you go to therapy.

  • Therapy can be a great place to help you grow and create the life you are wanting for yourself.

Do you have any questions about therapy? Drop them below.

*If using insurance, then they may require a diagnosis and your therapist can work with you on this.

Disclaimer: This is not a replacement for a therapeutic relationship or mental health services. This is for educational purposes only and should be in used only in conjunction in working with a licensed mental health professional. If you are in California and looking for a professional therapist feel free to use the contact me to request an appointment or search Psychology Today for local therapists in your area.

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